well, you have many options to say the least. so here it goes.
To begin, i started with Rt/N in shing jea, but unless you are planning to make minions, it is pointless. Rt/Me is very useful due to the inspiration magic's line of defenses, or at least it is for me. Rt/R is excellent. Along with serpent's quickness as stated above, you have several skills at your disposal to keep you alive ( i personally use my pet when i channel for an extra tank/DPS). Rt/Mo is fairly good, but typically i've found out for a beginning rit, your energy is too small to afford their costly prot and smiting spells (although they have hex removals unlike rit skills) Rt/P and Rt/D, well i don't have much experience with. Rt/A is another good combo with excellent "keep you alive" spells. Rt/E you might have some synergy with, but only when you're channeling (typically).
IMHO, go for Rt/R. The primary ritualist gains greatly from their pets, skill quickeners, and wilderness survival skills (and further in the game, you can use spirit's strength with a bow for spikes if that's your thing =D )